Expect it to be commercially available sometime in 2015.
Vincent Baker Just wondering, is there a playtest package? Because I love PbtA games and would love to give this one a try! If not, I’ll impatiently (very!) wait for the commercial release
German Sanders Not yet! I’ll announce it at lumpley.com when I’m ready for playtesters.
Vincent Baker Nice! Totally looking forward to it!
The second version of the playtest document almost has a rough draft.
cool. thanks Patrick Henry Downs
Expect it to be commercially available sometime in 2015.
Vincent Baker Just wondering, is there a playtest package? Because I love PbtA games and would love to give this one a try! If not, I’ll impatiently (very!) wait for the commercial release
German Sanders Not yet! I’ll announce it at lumpley.com when I’m ready for playtesters.
Vincent Baker Nice! Totally looking forward to it!