Here is the entire working document(s) so far on my zombie apocalypse AW/DW hack, World Gone Mad. I’ve posted this before but I’m reposting due to heavy changes made over the past several months. If you’re bored some night and give it a go with some people, let me know how it turns out! is the entire working document(s) so far on my zombie apocalypse AW/DW hack, World Gone Mad.
Here is the entire working document(s) so far on my zombie apocalypse AW/DW hack, World Gone Mad.
Thanks for the updates!!!
Now I just need to reprint my book
Doing reperinting as I type….
Are the new changes marked?
I am shocked and humbled that there are people out there actually printing this, let alone caring about an up-to-date draft. Thanks for your support!
Tommy Rayburn, no the changes aren’t specifically marked; I wish I had thought of that at the time! I’ve made a “change log” doc that will have to do, for now.
I will definitely have a look at this when time permits, and given the coolness factor of all things PbtA, it is possible that you may have just written the THIRD zombie themed game I’ll play. (Full disclosure–the only sort of undead I hate more than zombies are vampires, sparkly or otherwise. The only sort of undead I hate more than vampires are zombies. My players know this. They also know that if I bring something with zombies in it to the table, it’s time to run home to Mama…)