I’m very interested in the Proxy, but could someone maybe flesh out the concept for me a little bit? Like could you possibly give me some examples from moviestvother fictions?
I’m very interested in the Proxy, but could someone maybe flesh out the concept for me a little bit?
I’m very interested in the Proxy, but could someone maybe flesh out the concept for me a little bit?
I think the primary source is from the Slender Man mythos – http://theslenderman.wikia.com/wiki/Proxy
Seth Harris yeah I knew that, what I’m trying to wrap my head around is how to play one?
Spencer everything it says in the Skin tells you how to play it. If you need more information, look up tribe twelve on youtube. It’s a Slenderman show/ARG that deals very heavily with proxies.
I’m not wanting to copy what’s been done before so I was looking for inspiration from fiction that could help me put my own spin on it
I was only thinking that you would be taking the info you get by watching ARGs/Shows like Marble Hornets and Tribe Twelve and basing your character off of that.
But also changing what you want so you can make Your Proxy different.
Renfield from Dracula is essentially the first major Proxy, probably would play it a little more subtle than Renfield but definite inspiration there – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renfield
Now that I think of it, Donnie Darko is an archetypal Proxy too.
Thanks guys, I’ve developed a concept that is very controversial but will be the deepest character that I’ve ever played. I’m excited.