Monster of the Week question:

Monster of the Week question:

Monster of the Week question:

Does anyone know the fiction reference for the Constructed playbook? I love that the rulebook includes references for the core Playbooks, but we’re struggling to get the fictional tie for some of the limited edition playbooks on the site (monster_of_the_week_files | gamesteratlarge).

Also, do you all recommend sticking only to the core Playbooks for our first go? The players have access to the full list and may fall in love with some of the extended playbook options…

5 thoughts on “Monster of the Week question:”

  1. I believe the big inspiration for the Constructed is Frankenstein’s monster. Is that right, Reid San Filippo? 

    I’m not sure if there’s many constructed monster hunters in the inspirational fiction (maybe Agent Franks in the Monster Hunter International books?)

  2. In terms of playbooks, do whatever works for your group.

    The core playbooks will give you hunters like in Buffy and Supernatural. Some of the others will take you in different directions!

  3. I think you can make a Frankenstein’s monster with this playbook, but it looks like the author had a broader plan for this one. It seems to also be inspired by myths of the golem of prague, humunculi, and clockwork men (I can never remember how to spell that last one but I know that its a Greek myth that starts with s). More contemporary examples would be robots and androids.

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