Hey wrestling fans!

Hey wrestling fans!

Hey wrestling fans! Bret Gillan (designer of the Jobber Gimmick), Ian Williams  (editor, designer of the Hardcore Gimmick) and myself have started a podcast focused on early 90s WCW PPVs. We’re starting with the Dangerous Alliance! This first episode covers Halloween Havoc 1991.

If you have 2 hours to spare to listen to some yammering about wrassles, we’d appreciate some listens and feedback. Thanks!


3 thoughts on “Hey wrestling fans!”

  1. Is that the one where they try to disqualify Sting from defending his title by busting up his knee and he had to rush back from the hospital?

    That was right at the edge of when I got back into wrestling, though I didn’t really watch regularly until the mid 90s and the nWo.

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