Journeyman’s Cup Tournament: Episode 3
Ok friends, who’s available this Wednesday Oct. 22 for a Hangouts-on-Air third Episode of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament?!
I think we’ll aim to go live at 7.30 pm central time, but aim to be online and all set up and whatnots at 7 pm.
I am going to hard cap at 4 players this time. I think 5 with our roughly 2-hour playtime is a little more than I can cognitively handle over the internets. Sorry!
Stras Acimovic Joseph Le May Matthew Caulder Jason Cox Rohit Ramnath Adams Tower have right of first refusal!
If we don’t have four out of you guys, I’m happy to add a new person or two to fill out, based on availability.
Let me check with my manager (/wife), but I think I should be good.
The Reaper should make an appearance.
Ohh finally a date I can make it!
I can make it as well, but I think I am player #5 here
Maybe so, but you do have right of first refusal
I am good if a spot is open
Let’s see what Joseph Le May ‘s deal turns out to be. And, since we are humans I fully expect to come up for someone by Weds, so I’ll ping everyone who’s commented to confirm with enough time to see if we need any subs.
I can’t do it this week, so if some announcer could mention something about the Blind Man being on a vision quest out in the desert, that would be great.
Aaaand I’m out. Sorry! I have an oral board to study for on Thursday.
Looks like we got Matthew Caulder Stras Acimovic Rohit Ramnath and Jason Cox ?
You guys still good to play tonite?
Yup! Just let me know when.
I’ll send out the invite around 6.45 pm (central), aim to go live between 7 and 7.30, depending on when Stras shows up
We don’t need to do Heat for any of these chars so we should get a little more playtime in.
I am super sorry to do this but I need another hour to make sure I can… It looks like I can but I would rather be more up-front now than cancel later… Sorry again
No worries, thanks for the headsup!
Joe Zantek , if Rohit can’t do it are you still interested/available?
I can do it… Sorry for the confusion… See you all around 6:45
Awesome! We’re good to roll with y’all and I’m assuming Stras Acimovic (tho if something comes up we can play with 3, or see if someone else wants to jump in last minute)
Work stuff came up. May not be able to make it tonight
Boo sauce!
Stras Acimovic no worries. Can you let me know when you know for sure if you can’t make it, so I can tag someone else in?
Joe Zantek ? Epidiah Ravachol ? Ian Williams ? Bret Gillan ?
Tied up with school shit tonight, I’m afraid. Iris being sick has left me with no time during the day to do work.
I can be tagged in should he not be able to make it.
Joe Zantek ok! You should think about your character now just in case (Jimmy Crak?!)
For the record, you need to pick a Gimmick that is NOT:
High Flyer
Golden Boy: Joey Crak
Start Stats: Added 1 to Work
Moves: Dynasty Scion: +1 Look
I am the future
Final Stats: Look: 2; Real -2; Power & Work: 0
(I always get the wrong! I am the worst)
I forgive you….this time
But watch yourself. Lest you go to far!
Did this get moved to a later time? I thought we were meeting up at 6:45, but it is past 7 and the event says 8:30. Or is it a time zone thing?
Time zone, I think? I’m on central time.
So… we have another hour then?
Yes! I will invite yall in about half an hour and we’ll get started in 45- hr.
Having not heard from Stras, you’re officially in Joe Zantek ! Firing up the hangout in a minute.
(sorry for weirdness guys, evening rush of dog pickup/&tc pushed me a little behind)
Did you sent out an invite Nathan ?
shit. try this link:
Joey Crak’s Entrance Music