Is that something behind you?
Originally shared by Fred Hicks that something behind you?
Is that something behind you?
Originally shared by Fred Hicks are closed.
LOVE the new art!
That cover looks fantastic.
It’s just doesn’t say “Monster of the Week” to me (OK, it literally does say that, you know what I mean) because I so used to the original art style.
Maybe I’m just being a hipster.
Christopher Stone-Bush, the original cover art lives on in the revised edition, as well.
I much prefer the new art. I’ve had players cut the pictures from their charactersheets because they didn’t like the new pictures.
* cough * * splutter * *cough * What? My word. Good day to you, Tore Vange. * walks off indignantly *
wow much improved
Well, there’s a Monster, it’s getting zapped by a Spooky, it’s throttling a Wronged (or maybe Hardcase), getting de-limbed by the Chosen, and clearly just knocked an Expert through that fence right there.
Did my best to “say” Monster of the Week pretty clearly, yo.
Personally, I think both covers illustrate the style of the game perfectly. They may do it in a different style, but that’s okay with me.
Yeesh. I sound terrible in those previous comments. What I should have said was:
The new cover looks fantastic. It is, simply, new and I am adjusting. I associate Daniel Gorringe’s work with MotW, and the new style is kind of throwing me for a loop.
Which boils down to “change is scary and I like to complain”. I guess.
Tuned in!
Just sent an email to my manager at the local game store to order a bunch!
Likely: February.
Product code: EHP0009 (Evil Hat Productions)
OMG, I can’t freakin’ wait. But it won’t stop me from running games with the current rules. MotW is the best pickup game for me. I never fail to have a fun, unique game with each group I run it for. I really love the way the game changes depending on which playbooks are in play. This is true of most Move games, but there’s something special in MotW. Maybe I’ll have my Time Lord playbook revised in time for the new edition.
Bry Hitchcock, most likely no revisions needed to your playbook (except to change experience reminders to the new system).
That’s cool to hear, as it’s a great game already. Do you have a handy link to a list or discussion of the changes? The revisions the Time Lord needs are all my fault, actually. I haven’t worked on it since the last playtest.
The main change is the new experience rules, which you kind find discussed at
Aside from that, a few revisions to the basic moves (use magic, manipulate, big magic) were made.
The other changes were:
– Revising the advice about a few things to be clearer.
– Adding new example stuff (mainly monsters).
– Two full mysteries to get your game started.
Can’t wait! Will there be any new playbooks included?
The Crooked and The Spell-Slinger.