Hey all, I’m looking to start an AW play by post. We’d play via google docs and use G+ to organize. I’ve done this once before for DW and it worked out well. I’ve MC’d AW once before but I do have years of experience GMing other systems.
We’ll be using the core play books and the touchstone, quarantine, maestro d’, faceless, and hoarder.
I ask that anyone who joins be able to post at least once a weekday. If you can post on weekends fantastic, but I’m not asking you to. Also we’ll be taking breaks around the holidays. If you are interested let me know here. I’m looking for 3-5 people and at this moment have 1. First come first serve.
I would be interested, but I have never played a pbp before. I’m not really sure how it works, but I assume it is pretty straight forward.
Interested, although I may possibly post a little sporadically some weeks.
Glad to hear guys. And if you know you are going to be sporadic but are able to give me a heads up, that’s fine.
That said, I’ll be around as much and as often as fatigue and the inevitable bedtime interruptions from my Heir Presumptive permit.
I’m interested! I’ve been playing by post for years. I can post at least 5 days a week. Is it too early to call the Battlebabe?
Great you’re in and sure you can.
Still have a few spots open if you are interested.
I’d like to play. Posting requirements are ok.
I’m contemplating hardholder or operator I think. If there’s spots.
Ooo! A Hardholder might be handy.
I’ve got one spot left for you Chris and neither of those play books are taken.
Hi, are all spots taken? If there’s one, I’d be interested. I’m constantly plugged into the psychic maelstrom, that is – the Internnet;)
I’ll open up another one and send you an invite to the group soon.
Operator it is then! How do we get started?
I send you an invite to join our private community.