Just launched my first Kickstarter! If you’re interested in telling the story of a family of survivors as they deal with the aftereffect of an Apocalypse, and rebuild the world over generations, check it out!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1549920133/legacy-life-among-the-ruins-world-rebuilding-rolep?ref=gplusawcomJust launched my first Kickstarter!
Just launched my first Kickstarter!
Backed! I’ve been waiting for something like this.
The first few days have been great! In case anyone here is interested I’ve just added a retailer tier, allowing people who want to get multiple copies of the book to do so at a discount.
New kickstarter update! Printing cost FAQs, a facebook group, and playbook layout preview. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1549920133/legacy-life-among-the-ruins-world-rebuilding-rolep/posts/1045011
New kickstarter update! 50% funded and over 100 backers! Also, repriced pledge tiers and a new tier to get you (or your character) into the art: https://www.kickstarter.com/…/legacy-life-amo…/posts/1053614
New kickstarter update, including the first art preview! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1549920133/legacy-life-among-the-ruins-world-rebuilding-rolep/posts/1056393