Is there a way to acquire Urban Shadows for those that might have missed the Kickstarter? I was unable to find any (pre-)purchases on the website
Is there a way to acquire Urban Shadows for those that might have missed the Kickstarter?
Is there a way to acquire Urban Shadows for those that might have missed the Kickstarter?
Oooo. Thank you, handsome gentleman.
Thanks for the interest Manuel. I hope you get many enjoyable hours out of the game!
I downloaded a copy of the materials available in the the Dropbox. What is different in the book?
The main book will include all the updated Basic Moves, Archetypes, MC materials, etc. It’s seen a lot of great revision.
Do you have an expected ETA?
The book is in editing as per last update. No reliable ETA can given, though as of the update before that expect at least 2 months once editing is complete for layout, printing etc
So, after the 1st of the year? I don’t know when the last update occurred.
Yep. Last update was a few days ago.
Ah, the Backerkit dates had me hopeful.
No point waiting for it then. I’ll submit my preorder and play with what I’ve got.
Would it be possible to get in on the latest playtest versions of the game then if I preordered on backerkit a few days ago?
+1 the above
I’d assume we’d need to sign up for the playtest for that, but will we be able to get PDF editions for preordering? I didn’t see any mention of PDF copies, so I thought I’d ask.
Any one who preorders a physical copy will also get a pdf copy of the book.
Awesome, look forward to seeing it!
The print copies are a ways off. Do you have an ETA for the PDFs?
Distribution is Mark Diaz Truman’s forte, he might be able to illuminate that a bit more.
Yup! We’re still working on editing. Things are moving, but slowly! Should be some major progress this month before the holidays.
As for the PDF, we’ll get it out to folks (including preorsers) as soon as it’s ready. I imagine we’d like you all to look over it before we send it off to the printer.