For the Immortal 2.1 skin feedback- I still think the intimacy move misses the tragedy of the Immortal- that people/lovers die around them while the immortal goes on, if not from violence, then old age. Perhaps Intimacy should trigger a flashback scene giving +1 forward to something relevant to the flashback. That keeps the Immortal centred in the past and their history?
I also wonder if Immortal healing times could be ramped up to 1 harm per hour rather than a day like the other Skins? That would fit better for Highlander types. Or make it a move they could take?
Finally the Corruption move implicitly assumes a manipulative mortal, so I’d add in that a Immortals gain corruption if some one is harmed by trouble from the a immortals past (e.g. The Kurgan kills your lover)
Declan Feeney – could we adopt any of these for your game?
Hey Steve, thanks for the input. Mark and I will of course look over your notes and others’ feedback before completing the playbook. It sounds like you’re playing an Immortal right now in a new game, would you be opposed to playing the archetype as is and reporting actual play feedback?
I’m happy to make the changes to the intimacy move, if you want (although Andrew recommends playing the archetype as is)
I do not want to make the changes to healing. It moves the immortal into the band of being a better healer than the Regenerating Werewolf – something which definitely should require a move. I’m also not sure if fits the tropes. You can however always take regeneration as an advance by taking ‘Move from another archetype’ and choosing the Wolf’s regeneration.
Similarly I do not want to make the changes to corruption. The change you describe isn’t a character choice. If you look at the corruption moves you’ll notice characters gain corruption as a result of actions they themselves choose to make – not things which are done to them.
Corruption isn’t something which happens to you. Its something you choose. Its just that the game makes it very very enticing.
I hadn’t spotted the Werewolf move and it is a reasonable solution Declan. With regard to the tropes though, death (and Harm seems implicit in it) does just slide off Immortals- that’s their raisin d’être. Bizarrely in some cases it’s quicker for the Immortal to die and get a 10+ roll Ending move than wait to heal or regenerate.
For the Corruption move, I take your point about volition, but perhaps it could be reworded as also ‘letting the troubles of the past harm those the people I care about in the present’. To describe all those times in the Highlander series when Duncan McLeod lets an immortal he should have killed in the past come back into his life and the seduce/kidnap/kill Richie/Joe Dawson/Tess. Mostly it’s because the scheming thing isn’t too Highlandery (for the good Immortals anyway, totally appropriate for the villains) and so might see limited corruption marks. Still I guess you can also get them from bad resurrections too, so that might fuel them.
Steve Ellis – Regeneration is awesome for an Immortal. One of the things we look at when we work on playbooks is how the moves might affect other playbooks. That’s one we called out early as a good fit for exactly what you’re trying to do with The Immortal.
I agree it could work well. I’ll see if I can spend my first advance on it.
One more weird thing- with the Long Game, you get 1 scheming. One choice is to add +3 to your Start of Session move… but the Immortal doesnt have any Start of Session moves (unless you buy them from another playbook). Was this maybe referring to the earlier draft Immortal who did have a start of session bit of history/trouble show up?
Its on the Basic Moves under Session Intro
Declan Feeney has the right of it.
Thinking about Regeneration and the fact its tied to Let Your Power Out, means that it will help accrue corruption (on a 7-9 result) reasonably quickly. I could see that being appropriate for Werewolf regeneration (all about the beast) but is it equally thematically appropriate for other Playbooks? What was the thinking there when it was designed for the Wolf and others to take?
I have a hard time imagining any source of rapid healing that doesn’t come form somewhere dark. Abilities like that require a power source, and power always has its price.