Another share! This one is really far out, and great for weird or more sci-fi style games of MotW!

Another share! This one is really far out, and great for weird or more sci-fi style games of MotW!

Another share! This one is really far out, and great for weird or more sci-fi style games of MotW!

Originally shared by Tore Nielsen


The following transcript was downloaded from It has since been taken down by the uploader, one InsideEyes77.

Detective George Mann (GM): The time is 5:32 PM, commencing interview with Torrence DeLaurentis. Present are police officer Shayna Jessup, and detective George Mann.

Sound of someone taking a noisy gulp of water

GM: Mr. DeLaurentis, thank you for taking time out to talk with us.

Torrence DeLaurentis (TD): (inaudible)

GM: I hope that is has been made clear to you that you are in no way a suspect. We just want to go over your statement about what happened on September 6th.

TD: Yes. Yes, I understand.

GM: Good. Now, according to your statement, you had just walked out of your room at the Gordonville Motel 6. Why was that?

TD: I had to use the ice machine.

GM: Right. And this was around 7:30 pm?

TD: Yeah.

GM: How was the weather that evening?

TD: Uh… It rained. Why are you asking this? You already know. You were there.

Shayna Jessup (SJ): (Sighs) That is correct, Sir.

TD: What gives? (audibly agitated) Are you trying to catch me in some… some inconsistency?

SJ: No, Sir. As detective Mann explained to you, you’re not a suspect.

TD: Then what…

GM: We’re merely trying to understand the situation as you experienced it. That includes such things as visibility.

TD: Alright.

SJ: You were standing at the ice machine, with your back turned to the parking lot.

TD: Yeah. It was almost empty. Then this car pulls up. It’s a Plymouth Valiant. Just like in that movie ‘Duel’.

SJ: Right. You said in your statement that you did not notice the plates.

TD: That’s right.

SJ: It’s been a while. Have you remembered anything else about the car?

TD: No. When the guys got out of the car that kinda took all my attention.

GM: Let’s talk about the three men. Just take your time, Mr. DeLaurentis.

TD: Okay.

GM: Who got out of the car first?

TD: The guy in the front seat. Passenger side.

GM: And can you describe him for me?

TD: Sure. He’s a big guy. Tall and heavy. He had blond hair that was almost gone on top, but he had the rest in a pony tail. Why do people do that? I mean when you’re bald you’re bald, right?

SJ: I couldn’t agree more.

GM: What was he wearing?

TD: Jeans and a hockey t-shirt. It was the Boston Bruins, I remember that.

GM: Anything else?

TD: Yeah. He had a big stain on it. I think maybe it was blood.

GM: Then what happened?

TD: He opened the backseat door on his side. Then the driver got out.

GM; Describe him, please.

TD: He wore a suit. Seersucker, I think. Didn’t I mention that in my statement?

SJ: You did.

TD: Anyway, the suit was open, and I saw that he had a gun in a shoulder holster.

GM: What kind of gun?

TD: I dunno. It was an automatic. I dunno from guns, really.

GM: What else can you tell us about him?

GM: He was old. Or maybe he just looked old. Like he’d done some hard living, you know? His face was really kind and his cheeks were hollow. Then the big guy helps a third guy out from the back seat. This guy looks young (pause) I think he’s maybe Arabic or something. He’s got these really white eyes.

SJ: How do you mean?

TD: Like there’s just too much white in them. Idunno how else to explain it. (pause)

GM: Take your time, Mr. DeLaurentis.

TD: (raised voice): “Take my time”! Like that is supposed to help. I know what she thinks. What you both think. What happened was what happened goddamnit!

GM: Please, Sir. No one is doubting your word. No one thinks you’re lying.

TD: (quietly): She does.

Sound of someone drinking.

TD: He was sweating.

GM: The man from the back seat?

TD: Yeah. He looks sick. His face shines. Like he has a fever or something. (pause) He looks (inaudible) (note: I have listened to the tape again and again, and I think TD says ‘pregnant’, but I can’t swear to it).

GM: I’m sorry?

TD: He looks hurt. (pause) I don’t wanna do this.

GM: Mr. DeLaurentis, it would be a great help to us. The three men you describe are wanted for several crimes.

SJ: Well, two of them anyway.

GM: Here and in Jersey. So, if you could please continue you’d be of great assistance.

TD: Right. He slipsout of the big guy’s hands as he’s helping him out. He’s lying on the concrete squirming. Like there’s something trying to get out from under his clothes. From under his skin.

SJ: Here we go. (Note: at least I ‘think’ that’s what she’s saying)

TD: (Deliberately): Fuck you. You wanna know what I saw, so I’m telling you. Not my fault if you don’t like it. I don’t like it.


TD: The big guy says: “You gotta get up”, and the man on the ground is kinda scrambling for… for purchase. Trying to hoist himself up. Then something comes out of his mouth. It looks black, like oil. He’s making this messed-up choked sound.

GM: Right.

TD: Then he (there is a catch in his voice) Then he opens up. Like he’s a door, like he’s meant to work that way.

Someone is coughing

TD: (voice sounding labored and thick): And something comes out. It’s a tesseract. You know like a cube being born out of another cube, and it hurts the eyes to look at it. It’s all there is in him. No guts or anything Just these rods becoming squares, and they’re all covered in this oil. I don’t care what you say, it wasn’t blood. (pause) It wasn’t.

GM: Maybe…

TD (interrupts): And there’s this world behind him. Like ragged black plastic sheets being torn and torn. And there’s these cubes being born out of them. (he coughs)

GM: Maybe we should terminate this interview.

TD: The big guy makes this girly squeak, and then he runs run. The old guy, the driver… he pulls that gun and shoots the guy on the ground. Then he runs too. He could really hustle for an old guy.

GM: Do you remember which direction they ran?

TD: Toward the office, I think. Know what I did? I went back to my room and turned on the TV. Watched Murder, She Wrote until you guys knocked on my door. And I didn’t hear a damn thing from… from outside.

SJ: Aren’t we done here?

GM: Interview terminated at 5:56 pm.

The tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. It is an extra-dimensional protrusion which extends into our world, primarily through the medium of meat. The tesseract is able to manifest in human beings who have subjected themselves to extra-dimensional energies, or to dark equations such as those found in the Ars Magna, Generalis et Ultima and the original manuscript to Morryster’s Marvells of Science. 

 In the second instance it could be said that the victim brings the tesseract upon himself by internalizing the knowledge which makes its existence possible. People who have subjected themselves to mind-bending equations will often be so maddened by this experience that they consign themselves to doing the tesseract’s bidding.

There are certain groups of scientist-sorcerers who wage secret wars to open a permanent way for the tesseract-dimension, or prove it to be an impossibility.  

Tesseract (imbedded in a human being)


AC 4*/8

HD 4/1

 Dam: special

+Hit +4

Move  30′ (human, the tesseract does not move on its own)

ML 9

Skill 4

Mad. 1d8

Save 13+

Special: The tesseract is deeply alien, and can only be harmed by certain magical artifacts, or by magick which closes gates.

The tessaract’s attack does 1d6 damage, which translates into that part of the victim’s body being turned into writhing lines revolving in and out of the visible dimensions. When the victim loses all her hit points, she turns into another tesseract-like entity, albeit one that is able to move freely. If the tesseract is destroyed the transformation reverts itself in a few weeks, supposing no further contact with extra-dimensional energies. Being partially transformed costs a further 1d8 Madness.