I’m in the process of revising and streamlining the moves. Currently in my sights is Obligations/Hit The Street.

I’m in the process of revising and streamlining the moves. Currently in my sights is Obligations/Hit The Street.

I’m in the process of revising and streamlining the moves. Currently in my sights is Obligations/Hit The Street.




15 thoughts on “I’m in the process of revising and streamlining the moves. Currently in my sights is Obligations/Hit The Street.”

  1. Unsurprisingly I have thoughts on this!

    I like the move and think that this merge is a good call. My thoughts are on the structure of the new move and if it would flow better if all the choices were the complications like:

    on a hit you get what you wanted, on a 10+ choose 1 on a 7-9 choose 3:

    – your request going to cost you extra

    – your request is going to take some time to put together

    – your request is going to attract some unwanted attention

    – your contact needs you to help them out with something l… If you turn them down take -1 ongoing to this move till you make it right.

    You could also add in the option of taking another choice for additional Intel or Gear, or just acknowledge in the move discussion that sometimes the thing they want from their contact is actually just Intel or Gear.

  2. Agree with Colin’s rewording – the negatives were confusing in the original. And +1 to getting rid of obligations. I (still) very much like Colin’s downtime moves for between session complications and plot generation… With permission I’ll have a go at cyberpunking them up?

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