Whipping together a one-shot despite my vast ignorance of how Apocalypse works beyond the most superficial concepts.

Whipping together a one-shot despite my vast ignorance of how Apocalypse works beyond the most superficial concepts.

Whipping together a one-shot despite my vast ignorance of how Apocalypse works beyond the most superficial concepts.  

Given PCs that define their stat modifiers (Fitness/Wits/Knowledge/Charm/Grit), a Major, and a Hobby, (both freeform selection), how would I handle the mechanics of the major/hobby being applicable to a given move?  

I’ve considered it being a +1 to the roll, or an auto +2 mod regardless of the stat that’d be normally used, but both feel…bland.  I’ve also thought of not changing rolls and instead go with the “you can ask one question/make one declaration” concept.

What would be a better way to handle it?

Question 2: In a one shot, what is a good way to handle Bonds being mechanically useful?

Thanks in Advance!

8 thoughts on “Whipping together a one-shot despite my vast ignorance of how Apocalypse works beyond the most superficial concepts.”

  1. Question 1 – depends on the nature of the major/hobby.  Certain skills lend themselves easily to straightforward mathematical bonuses, while others imply a range of possible effects (choosing from lists).  I would advise finding a move that’s similar to the skill and tweaking it.

  2. The good news is that, AW works fine with very little experience (though it can certainly help!)  Just remember the most important part of MCing: Ask Provocative Questions. As long as you keep asking them interesting things, then saying “What do you do?” it keeps the story moving. Unlike old D&D, the weight of the story isn’t on your shoulders alone.

    As for the major/hobby, make a custom move. Just as a starting point, something like: “You’ve studied this issue. Roll +Sharp. On 10+ you know exactly how it works and someone is impressed with you. On a 7-9, you have some understanding; take +1 forward to accomplishing the task. 

    (Just a quick, generic first step, but you could build from there or go in a completely different direction, or be specific to the hobby in use.)

  3. You can take from World of Dungeons and say skills guarantee some degree of success even on a 6-

    So maybe your Major is always a +1 and your Hobby you can’t completely whiff. The MC might still make a harder move than a 7-9 result but at least you get a bit of what you want. 

    Bonds, it depends on the focus of the game. In AW the focus is on player interaction so the main way of advancing is furthering your History with other characters. Which I find to actually work better in one shots bc it’s not that hard to get +4 Hx more than once and earn multiple advances. Whereas bonds from DW are only going to come into play at end of sesh which won’t matter if it’s a one shot.

  4. I would lower the number of stats to something like Grit/Smarts/Charm and Sense. Simplicity is key in AW and having more stats just leads to more confusion

    Add the moves: Take a study major: on a 10 plus either take +2 going forward if related to your field or get a free piece of useful info from the MC, on 7+ get the same but make a concession. Choose 1 of hit the books or call a study buddy and owe them a favour.

    Take a hobby: on a 10+ take a +1 going forward, or have a useful piece of equipment or knowledge on hand. On a 7+ take the same but suffer a -1 distraction to your next unrelated roll as you geek out.

  5. I like Daniel Steadman’s moves for sure. 

    The other thing to remember is that having a college major or even a serious hobby, doesn’t usually confer an exceptional amount of skill. Someone with a 4-year degree in chemistry might have a lot to offer, but they’re not the same as someone who has a decade of experience in the field. So I would really limit the benefits from something like this.

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