I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

Originally shared by Keith Stetson

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at right now:

When you gaze through Odin’s empty eye, roll +wyrd. On a hit Odin reveals the true form of what lies before you. On a 10+ the vision is relatively clear and quite likely to be what others also deem the truth. On a 7-9 the vision is murky and perhaps less unanimously the truth. On a 6- another deity shows you what they wish. The provenance of all visions is suspect.

When you don the skin of a wolf properly killed, roll +young. On a 10+ your spirit dominates that of the wolf and you maintain control. On a 7-9 you struggle back and forth, sharing control. Choose two:

-You do not harm your allies

-You do not harm yourself

-You do not reveal yourself to another

On a 6- you awake as if from a black slumber with no recollection of what you have done.