The best playbook to play a non-weird Priest type character is the Maestro’D. Discuss.
The best playbook to play a non-weird Priest type character is the Maestro’D. Discuss.
The best playbook to play a non-weird Priest type character is the Maestro’D. Discuss.
why? ^^
I feel like your establishment can easily be a church and the Maestro’D is super connected to the community. A Touchstone can be a good holy man but they are also hard as fuck. The super connected and caring priest as we know from UK rural areas isn’t really that. They are much more like a barkeeper in a sense so Maestro’D makes a lot of sense I think.
At first I was WTF?, but after your above comment I think I agree. Maestro D would make a great priest of that type.
hem… Hardholder? =P
Seems legit. The Hardholder could work as well, but runs into the same problems that Tim mentioned above for the Touchstone if you don’t want to be especially Hard.
Hardholder for a holy City maybe?
yes…a religious community… what’s the problem whit the Hard?
Well imagine if the pope had a private army of thugs… No wait…
Well imagine the pope shooting people in the face, cool as an action Pope movie would be, that is not the typical picture we have of him right? That is a typical picture of a Hardholder though.
You are an hardholder…with a religious community. Isn’t so strange…religious foundamentalist with an army? Or a small community united by the same faith?
and…an hardholder is always a tough dictator? O_o
Kind of yes.
i’m trying to say “no”…but i can’t.
The hardholder leads his army…maybe is kind, insecure and seeks other advice… but at the end he is always a guy with an army and people that want his protection.
If the Hardholder isent that then either the MC isn’t doing her job enough or he won’t be the Hardholder much longer.
[/blatant overgeneralisation]
Operator too. To be honest – the beauty of AW is that you can more or less repurpose any playbook for this purpose.
I can imagine Hardholder as a chief of monastery, operator as very enterprising priest – one that takes money for indulgences, savvy head could be leader of techcult, or maybe someone using technology for effect, and angel – leader of monastery-hospital.
Non-weird sure sounds perfect. still think I am going Solace with some Hocus advances but I specifically want the weird version.
Huh. You’re right.
Really depends on what priest you want. Maestro’D or Hardholder could work equally well I think.
If he is providing a service or leading the flock.
Tim Franzke Well, not necessarily. If he manages to defuse conflicts without much harm, and doesn’t provoke larger conflicts, then he can keep it this way. I mean, his power is at risk only when he “leads his gang in combat”.
How is that the only way?
Ok, not only only, but this is what rules specifically state.
Hardholder needs to roll when he forces his gang to fight for him.
Chopper rolls when he wants to stop his gang from doing something.
For me that implies, that they don’t need to roll for keeping their authority in other situations.
Of course gang/community intrigue, enemies and other fiction originating menaces are still issue, but that why I mentioned “defusing conclifts”.
I’ve been wanting to play a Skinner as the last holy man in the wasteland for a long time. His craft that gains him admittance to high places is his honest prayer and offer of absolution after confession. I’d even considered picking up Arresting Skinner and the intricate tattoo luxe gear and say everyone stops to look at the holy text written on his flesh.