9 thoughts on “Here it is, Version 1.3 of The Frozen.”

  1. The layout looks fine to me.

    The only thing I would suggest is changing the last line of the first paragraph of Ice-Bound Heart. You can change it to:

    “Any time that you roll 10+ with Dark or Cold, choose someone to lose a String on you.”

    The “must” is already implied.

    I was also going to suggest dropping the “may choose to roll with… instead” since normally stat substitution moves don’t give the player a choice. But in this case I like the interaction with Ice-Bound Heart. 🙂

  2. Christopher Stone-Bush The “May” in the stat substitution moves was intentional, specifically to make that a decision for the character, where they are choosing to take the easy roll at the expense of emotional connections to others.  Ice-Bound Heart is also the only reason why I had so many stat-substitution powers in there in the first place.

    As for the “must”, you are right that it is already implied with the shortened wording, and I probably could take it out, but for now I’m not going to – for two reasons.

    1:  Making the must explicit means that players can’t try and finnegle their way out of the consequences of their choice to use their superpowers.

    2:  If that’s the only real issue with the skin then I’d rather not the trouble of editing and posting up a new version just for that  😛  I think I can be lazy on that one!

    But thank Chris, and everyone else, for your feedback thus far on the Frozen and for helping me polish and shine the skin to it’s brightest.  I really appreciate it.

    I’ve got ideas for two more Skin projects, I’ll likely be posting about them here soon.

    Thanks again all, and let me know how The Frozen works out for you!

  3. Okay, let’s talk about the Darkest Self.

    First off,  yes what is in there is in part an homage to Frozen, after all that is what sparked the inspiration for this Skin, but it is also there because it fit the feel of the Skin and it works thematically.

    Someone has suggested that the current method for getting out of Darkest Self is far too difficult to fulfill.  I see a couple of options:

    (1)  I leave it as is.  It might be hard to end the Darkest Self, but it doesn’t say that someone has to die for the Frozen, only that they have to convince the Frozen that they “would” die for them.  This is as much Xander at the end of season 6 Buffy as it is Anna from Frozen.  But it is still the hardest to fulfill from my list of ideas here.

    (2)  Take out the words “to die” but otherwise leave alone (You escape your Darkest Self when someone convinces you that they would be willing to save you from others, or from yourself), so another character has to convince The Frozen that they want to save them.  Simple, but I worry might make it too easy to pull someone out of it.

    (3)  Take out the words “to die” and put in “to take Harm”.  (You escape your Darkest Self when someone convinces you that they would be willing to take Harm to save you from others, or from yourself).  This seems slightly more demanding than option 2, but seems like slightly awkward wording (that can be fixed I’m sure) but still only relies on someone convincing The Frozen they would willingly get hurt to save The Frozen.

    (4)  Make it so someone has to get hurt before it ends.  (You escape your Darkest Self when someone takes Harm while attempting to save you from others, or from yourself).  This is the most concrete option, someone has to actually get hurt trying to help you but not necessarily be willing to die.

    What does everyone think?  Which do you like best, and why?

  4. Well so far only two people have let me know what they think, but their choice is unanimous, so unless something changes I will be posting a new version in the coming days with the changed Darkest Self.

    Thanks for responding Andy Hauge Christopher Stone-Bush 

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