Sex Move

Sex Move

Sex Move

After having sex, answer the following questions:

– Is this the first time you’ve had sex with this person?

– Is this the first time you’ve had sex in this location?

– Did you pursue your partner?

Take a String on your partner for each “yes” response. If you would take three Strings, mark experience instead.

Additionally, if your partner is Rat, Ox, Dragon, or Monkey, you both carry 1 forward. If your partner is Rabbit, Horse, Sheep, or Rooster, they give you the Condition Brash, Predictable, Uncaring, or Schemer, their choice.

8 thoughts on “Sex Move”

  1. Maybe, though Fray posts are usually way more disturbing. 😛

    Thanks for the thumbs up guys. It means a lot. Unfortunately I’m second guessing myself now, as this might be better for Horse rather than Rat. :/

    Edit: False alarm. I think I’ve got something for Horse. 🙂

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