Ever wonder what your WWW characters should say to each other during a match?
Originally shared by Guy Kawasaki
Not quite Shakespeare from the mouths of professional wrestlers.
Botchamania has a great bit every episode called “Everyone Talks Too Much” where they point out where you can catch wrestlers calling moves and talking to each other during the match. It’s a great segment.
Personally, I like that “Everybody Talks Too Much” is preceded by a clip of Shawn Michaels. Also, you can see a large portion of Cena and/or Randy Orton clips in “ETTM” segments….probably because they were trained that way in OVW. Wonder if Brock and Bastista do it as much….
Once you start listening for spot-calling it’s hard to stop. I also wonder if there’s a protocol for speakers of different languages to work together (like, is there wrestling pidgen?), or if wrestlers just kind of work it out when they need to.
Man, that clip made me miss David Otunga on my TV. Not a great wrestler but his lawyer gimmick was ON POINT.