This is a skin I have been sitting on for a while.

This is a skin I have been sitting on for a while.

This is a skin I have been sitting on for a while. I think it is pretty decent but focuses a bit on combat. I have had two players test it out in games I have run and so far they have turned out to be pretty neat characters. I based the skin off of such historical myths as Erzebet Bathory and the Fountain of Youth along with media like the Highlander series. PDF by Steven Pope and skin by Sawyer Rankin.

4 thoughts on “This is a skin I have been sitting on for a while.”

  1. This has the problem of a lot of MH skins, which is: there’s nothing particularly feral or teenage here. What’s the pathology or bad behavior being rewarded? If you were to take me to a HS lunch room, which kid would be “The Immortal?” Why are they teenage and why are they monstrous?

  2. The teenage aspect is the bored Sophomore, the one who thinks they have already seen it all at age 16 and that they know how everything is going to turn out. The one who sees other people’s pain and ignores it while focusing solely on their own needs, wants, and desires. Other people are toys at best, pawns at worst to be used in a social game of chess that rewards the Immortal with longevity and power by stripping away what made them once human. At least that was what I was shooting for.

  3. I’m with Adam Goldberg on this one.  I just don’t see the ‘bored sophomore’ anywhere in the skin as written.  I’m also not generally a fan of repeating moves from other Skins, as you have with the Ghoul’s Little Rest for the Wicked.

  4. I’m loving the concept for this Immortal playbook, NihilisticWhim. Do you have a copy available on pdf anywhere? (I’m not keen on giving scribd my credit card details.)

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