If you want to watch an awesome wrestling show, btw, tune in to NXT Rival tonite.
WWE Network is free this month, and it’s more than worth giving them your email just to watch this 2-hour show. (http://www.wwe.com/wwenetwork)
I’m linking to a good writeup of the card, and honestly, there’s the potential for at LEAST 3 match-of-the-year candidates on this card.
Oh man, that’s TONIGHT?
Sure is.
I second Nathan’s recommendation! If this one is even half as good as the last Take Over was than it should be awesome!!
Can’t do it tonight. But looking forward…even though i haven’t seen most of the episodes in between.
If you have time to watch last weeks and then the week before (in that order of importance) they’re both worth watching on their own merits, but storyline wise I’m sure they ll recap everything during the event.
I know i need to get up to date with the legend of Blue Pants.
Speaking of Blue Pants I think Carmella is ruining the Big Cass/Enzo team! I wish they’d break her off solo
It’s weird. She she should have a dramatic breaking up with them to cement her heel status.
Yea, she really doesn’t fit with those two.
And I’m shocked to say that I’m now a fan of them, cause man, I hated that ‘Strong Island’ personality for a while. But they are fun.
So…. Sami Zayn’s concussion. Work or Shoot?
Work, dude’s on a plane to Abu Dhabi today! (as far as I know)
Sure as hell looked like he got knocked out tho, huh.
Joe Zantek I’m with you on ‘Strong Island’ initially rubbing me the wrong way, but now they are one of my favorites! My wife can’t get enough of them!
Also, not a KO fan so I’m curious to see where they go with him!
If I had to list my favorite wrestlers in order it’d be:
Finn Balor
Enzo & Big Cass
Tyler Breeze
Lucha Dragons
Baron Corbin
Alexa Bliss
Y’all are sleeping on Neville. When I first starting watching NXT I thought he was so boring/”typical flippy guy”, but then his run with the title turned me into a huge fan. He is so goddam good at wrestling, and he keeps on having these face-vs-face matches where he works heel and gets heat, but manages to stay away from actually turning. That’s gotta be one of the hardest things to do in wrestling!
Nathan Paoletta im going to agree with you on that. Adrian Neville is my favorite NXT guy and put on a hell of a show against zayn at the last Takeover
Neville isn’t my favorite wrestler on NXT (that’s Sasha Banks OBVS) but he’s the one I’m most consistently impressed by. I love Sami Zane and he’s incredible, but I expect him to be incredible, you know? Every time Neville has a big match he makes it into something new and great. Tyson Kidd is the same way, though he’s just really goddam good at getting real heel heat.
Anyone else here have massive love for Finn Balor?
The entrance is an instant classic, but I love his in-ring work. Nathan Paoletta, remember my character from the demo we did, Brimstone? Finn Balor turned out to be so similar to him that it actually weirded me out a bit.
I love Finn Balor. He has “main event superstar” written all over him. He’s great in the ring. I love his entrance. Someday he’s gonna pop a Wrestlemania crowd with that Pele Kick and it’s gonna be amazing.
But in the context of NXT, we still don’t really know much about him! He’s “the irish guy with a cool entrance.” The other top tier NXT wrestlers have subilties and nuances to their character and their in-ring work that I think he just hasn’t had time to develop, you know?
Nathan Paoletta I agree. Sasha Banks has what the wwe divas division needs: talent and charisma. She is great in the ring and is one of the few divas with mic skills
Nathan Paoletta exactly. Wwe needs to stop shadowing the divas division around the cast of total divas. Its just stupid and is a waste of time. And I agree, wwe divas matches are my piss break matches
Oh, for the glory days of Trish/Lita feuds, when women’s matches were tearing the fucking house down and out-shining most of the men’s matches.
Anyone else a Charlotte fan? I get the Sasha love, but I think Charlotte is going to go just as far, even without the Flair legacy she’s got. That fatal-four-way also made me a Bailey fan. It’s nice to see a female wrestler with a “girl next door” look rather than a “unattainable swimsuit model” look, and she can WORK.
I’ve never seen anyone get better before my eyes as fast as Charlotte did.
She’s clearly very very good, but just doesn’t have the spark that gets me personally into the superfan zone. Just a preference thing!
Bayley has ruled for a long time and I would love to see her embrace being the hoss of the women’s division. She’s a human Suplex machine!
Loved the show, finally watched it.
That fatal four way though, damn good stuff. Hard for me to figure out who to root for, as I liked everyone.
Also, Charlotte’s resemblance to her father is uncanny. I really, really want to see her come down to the ring in a robe reminiscent of her dad’s big sequined numbers.
I’ve not seen any of Kenta / Hideo Itami’s Japanese work — anyone got any good youtube links of some of his pre-NXT work?
What channel is it
WWE Network