After some great one shot games with some really interesting hunters I was thinking about to introduce some rules…

After some great one shot games with some really interesting hunters I was thinking about to introduce some rules…

After some great one shot games with some really interesting hunters I was thinking about to introduce some rules for One-Shot-Hunters and would like to hear a few opinions 🙂

One Shot Hunter

Start with 3 Luck Points and 1 free advancement.

You can mark off one or two Luck Points for an additional advancement each.

The first free advancement allows for a great diversity of characters and the trade off simulates the “natural” arc of each hunters luck decreasement. Every Hunter should start with at least one Luck Point to make very hard decisions in play. Do I use my last Luck Point and give myself as a doomed plaything of destiny?

7 thoughts on “After some great one shot games with some really interesting hunters I was thinking about to introduce some rules…”

  1. Of course expanding a One-Shot hunter into a full one is something that can happen.

    But in that case you might just use the full Luck bar with the ones from your one-shot allready marked.

    Alternative for a One-Shot is a maximum number of spends like David mentioned. But those are determined at the beginning of each one shot. It will only be a drawback for veteran hunters when their Luck track is almost filled out.

    as an aside

    Making a One-Shot about Hunters at the end of their career with only 1 or 2 Luck Points left could be a cool concept. Bit of a “one last job” scenario.

  2. When I one shot, I use just two luck. And new players have a hard enough time picking three options. I had a woman in my last game who wanted to try the spellslinger. She could not understand pick one base and two more from any of the options.

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