So here it is. Dresden World. An Apocalypse World hack set in the Dresden Files Universe.
Read this first.
Then grab the link below for the play books.
Let me know what you think.
Thanks, this looks promising! Really looking forward to check it out in more detail when I have the time!
One question right from the start though: the treshold move seems a bit backwards, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t a 10+ allow me to keep my powers, instead of the other way around?
My feelings were that really powerful creatures are unable to break a
threshold. You get a super powerful creature trying to get in, they are
more likely going to be rejected by the threshold. Since weird is my de
facto supernatural power stat, it made more sense than creatures with a
high weird would be rebuffed from thresholds than for them to be able to
muscle their way in.
I can see your point. But, I can’t remember exactly, is that really the way it works in the Dresden books? Aren’t more powerful creatures more likely to keep at least some of their power over a treshold? Aren’t there examples of powerful creatures muscling their way over tresholds in the books?
Besides, since every other move in *world games seem to have a positive effect for the character on a 10+ it just feels a bit counter-intuitive to me.
Yeah there were a few instances of creatures going in inspite of the
threshold. It came down to the best way to represent this phenomenon with
game mechanics. There’s arguments for both ways. I drew inspiration for
the move from suffer harm, which a high roll is bad. I may write an
alternate version in the future that makes a high weird good and just let
the gm decide what they want.
Good point. It is easily house ruled either way, of course, if anyone feels the need. It just confused me a bit.
Thanks for your work, I will try it out when I manage to free some time!
Yeah let me know how it goes. Sadly I have yet to actually run the game. My
home group isn’t a fan of urban fantasy and it’s hard to stay excited for a
project that I’m the only one who will care.
Sorry to hear it. Surely there must be lots of people interested in a project like this, if they only knew about it.
Yeah I’m not sure how to advertise this well. I’ve hit up all the reddits
and g+ communities that would be interested. I don’t want to keep spamming
them about this or they might revoke my membership and take away my secret
decoder ring
Haha, I totally understand. Keep working on it though, and you will have an excuse to post about it whenever you update something…
Also: ask questions in your updates – people are suckers for questions, and everyone always has an opinion!