I have a third draft of my Thrillseeker playbook(a hunter who is in it for the fun and adrenaline rush) .
I had a chance to playtest it a little allready and got some great input in this community and from some friends outside of it. I feel like it is getting better and more refined.
I am not a native speaker and maybe not the master of phrasing moves yet. So if you have any suggestions about that, they are very welcome.
As well as everything else you might want to add or every feedback you can give.
Nice! Getting there.
Even after seeing the Parcour move in action, I still don’t get how it may create a barrier. Seems a bit of a disconnect. I would expect the Parcour move to help you in a chase, somewhat like the Preternatural Speed of the Monstrous.
In our game when my character was sliding under the vent. That vent became the barrier and the Tengu ran into it. Causing the harm move to go of on it.
But maybe I should cut that part of the move and just keep it at fiction establishing text. Expanding on that a little.
Needs finetuning, just a quick draft…
☐ Parcour – When you use the enviroment and your parcour skills in a scene for the first time roll +Cool. On a 10+ hold 2, on a 7-9 hold 1.
One hold can be spent to…
… reduce harm by 1.
… gain +1 forward for your next move.
… hold back or slow down an enemy pursueing you.
… add +1 harm the next time you inflict harm
But why does it make fictional sense that it cAn only be used once?
The fiction comes when spending your hold from the move. The sense is rule based.
I think I can see that, yeah.
No, it is a valid correction. I will confirm and possibly correct.
As I said I am not a native speaker (nor an expert on free-running) so your notes are very welcome.