Episode 7, featuring an almost-full cast, the semi-finals of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament, and exciting babyface…

Episode 7, featuring an almost-full cast, the semi-finals of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament, and exciting babyface…

Episode 7, featuring an almost-full cast, the semi-finals of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament, and exciting babyface moments!


7 thoughts on “Episode 7, featuring an almost-full cast, the semi-finals of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament, and exciting babyface…”

  1. Finally finished listening to this over lunch. I thought last episode’s three way cage match was going to be hard to top, but the Bolt/Crak ladder match was amazing. Bolt’s 450 moonsault, Crak giving up the contract to mess with Atomo, the mass run-in from the graveyard…now that’s sports entertainment!

    Joey Crak is such an entertaining heel that I want to see him team up against the graveyard, just so I can watch him struggle with trying to be a face for a while.

  2. I listened to this a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve been curious about a couple of things related to the session.

    I have a hard time sometimes realizing when Nathan is throwing in a Creative Move.  I was expecting something pretty harsh toward Escorpion, since he’s…legit injured two opponents in three matches, IIRC?  Or at least I expected some kind of backstage fallout from other wrestlers.

    Do backstage off camera politics get played up often? Or is it the exception?

    Additionally, Nathan, do you have some examples of Creative Moves that you’ve used during the Cup?

  3. Neil Molyneaux I had a hard move prepped but then Peter had to leave the session early! It’s going to drop next session. 

    Next time I review the episode I’ll write up a little thing about the Creative moves used, for sure.

  4. Neil Molyneaux Ok! So here’s a bit of a rundown:

    at 10:30 – I kicked off the Episode with a soft move of Introducing an On Deck element (Dr. Moreau) and also kicking off a new storyline element (Dr. Moreau has some kind of interest in Escorpion)

    18:15 – Another basic Soft Move, take the next step for a storyline. This whole sequence of interruptions was essentially a series of “take the next step” Moves

    39:00 – Escorpion botches his Promo, I decide the hard move is going to be a backstage thing (which doesn’t pay off in this Episode since Peter had to leave early). When I ask about his Audience I was thinking about whether I was going to “Turn the Audience on him” Hard Move, but I’m a nice GM and didn’t want to pull him to 0. I could have!

    41:20 – Threw in the “word from the back is to not talk up Escorpion as much” to emphasize that hard move

    59:00 – Escorpion botches his finisher, hurts Brainburg. There’s no additional hard move called for, since there’s a specific hard move result, but it kind of naturally rolls together with the earlier botch.

    1:03:00 – Fallout from the two hard moves, cutting off Escorpions intended promo and using some kayfabe aspects (the trainers coming out) to “cover up” the botch and make it all look like that’s what was intended all along

    1:08:00 – Soft Move, put a microphone in their face/take the next step for a storyline

    … and the rest of the episode is pretty much just following the fallout of the match results, working in player stuff (like Atomo using the Babyface Move to make himself the special referee) and some of the stuff that had been set up in previous episodes (like Joey Crak’s match stipulation)

    Soft Moves are basically “here’s the basic structural elements of a wrestling show” so I tend not to consult the list specifically, and a lot of obvious “and then X” “and then Y” stuff syncs up with the discrete Soft Moves pretty naturally.

  5. Thanks for going back through the episode to outline all of that. I had figured you were considering knocking Escorpion’s Audience down a notch when you asked what his current Audience was, but since you held back, I was curious where you were going with it.

    So, in a situation like Escorpion’s (a PW injuring a couple of wrestlers in a short time), would it be appropriate to have NPWs refusing to go out to perform with him?  I was picturing some kind of backstage backlash, or at least a cold shoulder in the locker room.

  6. Yeah (spoiler alert) he’s basically getting sidelined out of a central storyline role and given a watchdog. Having NPWs refuse to work with him would make a lot of sense too.

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