You should all ask Sean Dalziel about his new Urban Shadows campaign idea. It’s pretty frickin awesome!! Here a hint.
You should all ask Sean Dalziel about his new Urban Shadows campaign idea.
You should all ask Sean Dalziel about his new Urban Shadows campaign idea. It’s pretty frickin awesome!! Here a hint.
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Tell us Sean Dalziel!
Last Call / Tim Powers time?
Carnivale ?
Ancient Rome?
Is the selection of deck and cards significant, or just the use of tarot? In any case, colour me intrigued!
I hope someone figures out the best way to incorporate the chance cards from Itras By into their US games.
That would be awesome. Been watching Carnivale lately and thinking about how a traveling carnival would translate into various Apocalypse Powered games. Urban Shadows seems like a natural fit. If you can work in the tarot cards that would be cool too. There’s a few ways to replace the central mechanic, or you could just tack it on as an additional mechanism around predicting fate.
Okay, so Sean is silly and hasn’t responded to my poking yet. It’s basically a Carnivale inspired game set in the 20’s where the protagonists are members of a travelling carnival roaming the mid-west.
Sooooo excited about it!
Just gotta decide between Oracle Fortune Teller or Wizard Stage Magician.
Andrew Medeiros is right but I was hoping to set the traveling supernatural carnival in the dust bowl of the 1930’s where the group take on different roles withing the carnival. They may or may not be performers, setup staff, or management. Heck, someone could even theoretically play The Bear playbook…
For the savvy, studious or old I am taking a lot of inspiration from the White Wolf “Midnight Circus” supplement which had a similar premise of a travelling group of supernatural and regular people traveling in a circus.
I had assumed so Sean Dalziel
hmm, wish I could take part.