New video out: The basics of Uncharted Worlds combat! video out: The basics of Uncharted Worlds combat!
New video out: The basics of Uncharted Worlds combat!
New video out: The basics of Uncharted Worlds combat!
New video out: The basics of Uncharted Worlds combat! are closed.
This answers some of the questions and clears up some of the confusion as to how combat is supposed to work.
My only remaining concern is purely a personal one since I have such a large group, combats are going to be a little “special” since I’ll most likely have to have an opposing group for each PC in the scene.
Although, as I write this, a remember seeing the Get Involved move which could be useful if PCs gang up on a group of enemies allowing one PC to help another.
How big a group are you running David?
In the larger group i play with, currently 6 PCs but a 7th may be joining
Hey it’s large to me
David, no problem. I use to run a game with 7-10 people and there was a couple tricks I eventually figured out.
When they got to a town or city, I would try to give them a handful of different leads or personal temptations. Something like ‘this planet is known for it’s laser weapons’ for the weapons hound and there would be a shady figure with a lead to the story for others.
This usually let to the group breaking up into more managable teams of 2-4. Then when combat broke out it would usually be one larger boss, a lieutenant and a hand full of minions that would focus on different parts of the group when possible or made sense in the story.
Plus I would involve a lot of side problems for the group to handle while combat is going on, such as fire heading towards the propane barrels or innocent bystandards getting in the way.