Night Witches mobi issues‏:

Night Witches mobi issues‏:

Night Witches mobi issues‏:

this what I found so far. I’ve read about 20% of the book. All are minors issues, but since feedback was requested:

Loc 149 (page 2 of physical book): On the second paragraph, fourth line, there is a line break between “darkest” and “hour”.

Loc 267 (page 13): First line: “The pieces that define y0ur character”. There’s an “0” (zero) instead of an “o” in your

Loc 310 (page 17): The title for “Zealot” is on the last line of the page, it could be on the first line of the next page, for better visualization and aesthesics.

Loc 395 (page 23): Same as above for the “Stories” title.

4 thoughts on “Night Witches mobi issues‏:”

  1. Thanks for the feedback! We’ll try to get these issues fixed. 

    More broadly, I’m interested in how people who use those formats prefer that they’re set up. For example, is it better to just remove all of the images so that the files are light and easy to read?

  2. The general apperance and layout looks fine to me, also.

    What I’d do is hightlight the titles in a darker tone, in contrast to the “sub-titles”. Like the section for Roles a little darker than the titles for Adventurer, Dreamer, Leader, etc…

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