So, last year I popped up here with the concept of a game. I made a lot of changes in that, and couldn’t post here for a lot of reasons (I even throwed the game away for about 3 month, because of shit).
So, I’m posting here my new stuff. I apologize for the bad english, but I tend to organize better in it then in my mother language (Brazilian Portuguese).
It still misses the Dimension Card rules (I mean, it misses all the dimension rules) and the Master of Realities Agenda, Principles, and Moves. But I’ll add it there in a couple weeks, I guess.
So, feel free to read it and tell me what you think about it.
oh, and the game’s name is ESC: Sparks of Reality
Richard Robertson Thank you for reviewing the text, man! As I said, english is not my mother language, and I still strive to write in it (reading and speaking is much easier), so, really, really, THANK YOU!