“So you’re out of the maelstrom and you came back with a piece of it. What do you plan to do with it?

“So you’re out of the maelstrom and you came back with a piece of it. What do you plan to do with it?

“So you’re out of the maelstrom and you came back with a piece of it. What do you plan to do with it?

-We’re gonna lick it of course!”

So please people gimme a hand here. “When you lick a fragment of the maelstrom…”

13 thoughts on ““So you’re out of the maelstrom and you came back with a piece of it. What do you plan to do with it?”

  1. … you can taste another apocalypse (tell the player about a different game of Apocalypse World that you either MCed or played in, or you can call on another player to describe a different game of Apocalypse World that they played or MCed that the character can now taste)

  2. “…pick one of the following:

    -The piece vanishes, but you are gifted with a vision of one event that will absolutely come to pass without your intervention. Describe it.

    -You lose one of your senses permanently, but gain a new weird sense to replace it. The GM will tell you what it is.

    -You die, but a person close to you will forever have your voice in their head, harassing them to pursue your interests.”

  3. You wake up briefly in a bed just to see a nurse inject you with something greenish. You fall asleep again and come back to where you were. The piece of maelstrom is gone.

  4. Everyone gets a brief psychedelic vision.  One person comes around, everyone else is in a coma and won’t wake up.  Let them deal.  Then say, actually you never woke up, in fact only this other person woke up.  Let them deal. Repeat until they have all had a go.  Tell them, actually nobody woke up.  You’re all still catatonic.

    Alternatively tell them it takes like banana liquor. Then write something in your notes.

  5. …describe to the GM and the table how the maelstrom thinks you taste.

    For the duration of the campaign, creatures and persons of or touched by the maelstrom will know, and casually refer to the character by his or her flavor.

    (Don’t tell them this. Just do it)

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