I am emphatically of the opinion that there was no time (or indeed need) for blading. These guys are a football player and MMA fighter respectively. They are quite able to dish out and take real/realistic hits. There was no time to blade, and the ref looks like he is checking Roman is okay to me.
Originally shared by WWE King Of Fans® #WWEKOF
There was a lot of speculation during #WrestleMania #WM31 that #BrockLesnar did a “blade job” and cut himself open when they did the ring post spot. Several readers sent the following GIF, which appears to show a referee handing a blade off to #RomanReigns, presumably so Reigns could give it to Lesnar when he got back in the ring.
If this is true, it would likely mean #VinceMcMahon allowed the blade job, something WWE has generally been against for years now.
Don’t be silly Joseph, Wrestling Isn’t Real
There were lots of opportunities to blade that weren’t this moment (including if he had a razor in his glove and bladed during the rebound from the post). Sometimes the job happens much earlier and waits for an impact to bust it open. That said, it’s not an obvious gig, but it’s certainly possible – it was a lot of blood, and when we were watching me and my wrestling buddy immediately starting trying to figure out if it was a blade job or not.
I generally am pro no intentional bleeding in wrestling, but it sure does add something to matches like this when you don’t see it all of the time.
What was he passing him then, a note for his sister?!
They made a statement that reiterates their corporate policy, they didn’t actually address what happened. Just saying.
It looks to me like Reigns is squeezing the ref’s fingers to say “I’m all right, and not actually unconscious or dead”. When you fight Brock Lesnar, you probably need to have signals like that.