We had session 2 of Night Witches tonight and it was a blast!

We had session 2 of Night Witches tonight and it was a blast!

We had session 2 of Night Witches tonight and it was a blast! Only got through 3 of the missions but so much drama! The rolls went unnaturally badly all night so every NPC we sent into the air ended up dead, the ladies were interrogated by NKVD on several occasions, planes were damaged, everyone ended up in hospital, some had to return from enemy territory and they got busted trying to participate in an illicit party – ratted out by one of the zealot PCs. They did actually blow up most of what they were supposed to and they did rack up mission points during the days, but there’s only so much you can do when the dice come up snake eyes.

We are switching GMs next time, which is bittersweet for me because I’m just starting to get into the groove, but I’m going to have so much fun playing a fresh character next week.

One thought on “We had session 2 of Night Witches tonight and it was a blast!”

  1. And we had 4 players + GM tonight. But they were lucky not be actually died. Probably should have lost 2 at one point but we went a bit soft.

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