Only 7 more community members until the Guest Star mini-supplement is revealed!

Only 7 more community members until the Guest Star mini-supplement is revealed!

Only 7 more community members until the Guest Star mini-supplement is revealed!

On the docket:

Official rules support for playing a one-off Guest Star in a game of WWWRPG, including: Special Referee, Ring Announcer, Celebrity Guest, Company Executive, Audience Plant and Guest Host

New Advance Role: Part-Timer

This will be a 2-3 page PDF available as a Pay-What-You-Want download.

Anything else you monsters want to see? There’s still time!

4 thoughts on “Only 7 more community members until the Guest Star mini-supplement is revealed!”

  1. Adam Goldberg I think I’ll make a new post about that next week (to be honest I’ve almost always seen Managers manage other player’s wrestlers, so if there’s wisdom out there from other folks we could probably all benefit)

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