Question: With regards to gimmick change and the Season One gimmicks; they have listed which core gimmicks they can’t change to. What about which Season One gimmicks the Core gimmicks can’t change to?
I can see changing to Giant would having similar restrictions as changing to Monster, like Monster having similar restriction. I would think Veteran could add Clown, Provocateur and/or gatekeeper to it’s list.
Any others?
I’ve never had the need for a hard and fast rule for who can’t go on to what. I mean, Randy Orton went from assaulting the boss’s wife to Golden Boy. Khali went from Monster to Jobber…
I decided trying to make all the core Gimmicks “future-compatible” would be a record-keeping headache not worth the work.
So the official rule is “follow your heart and do what makes sense for your promotion”. The S1 Gimmicks referring to the Core Gimmicks provides some thematic guidelines, I think.
You guys sure know how to shutdown a thought project
I want to know what YOU think, Justin!
I would say that any wrestler already established as being huge could go to Giant (so it’s more of a fictional thing than the others).
Provocateur and Clown are both kind of like an inverse Wasted. Provocateur is high-concept and Clown is “you have this job to do in the company”, and I think any other Gimmick could move to them (tho the Golden Boy -> Clown would be weird unless there’s a very specific story behind it, I think).
Athlete is more of an early-stage Gimmick to me. I’d say Jobber, Golden Boy and Technician would all make sense to go to Athlete.
Gatekeeper on the other hand is more of a late-stage Gimmick. Totally makes sense for Veteran to go to. I wouldn’t think Jobber or Golden Boy could move directly to it.
So those are my thoughts on them!
it is a digital product, errata’s shouldn’t be too difficult
Interesting concept with the early/late stage career gimmicks. I kinda picked up on that but don’t think I quite had it named in my head has exactly that.
I considered that about the Athlete and for that reason considered adding athlete to the technicians cannot list.
I currently have a player changing from Jobber to Gatekeeper. He’s playing the Jobber as a veteran company man like the Brooklyn Brawler or Barry Horowitz. The gatekeeper to a top promotion heel is being considered a ‘promotion’