Hey guys,  Attached is my World Wide wrestling RPG LFG on Roll20.

Hey guys,  Attached is my World Wide wrestling RPG LFG on Roll20.

Hey guys,  Attached is my World Wide wrestling RPG LFG on Roll20. If anyone’s into joining a sunday game (GMT).  Roll20 allows for some cool stuff like ENTRANCE MUSIC! which is awesome to me. And just visual stuff. I’m pretty bad at drawing on post-its to be fair. But yeah.  GMT 7:00 on Sunday. Cheers XD


51 thoughts on “Hey guys,  Attached is my World Wide wrestling RPG LFG on Roll20.”

  1. hey Ron and James, only starting it up. made a too specific reddit post last time with hopes off offline play too, but it’s alot harder to organise, so this is a new game, hasn’t been run yet. and also to answer your question ron, last time I ran this in person as a oneshot it took like 2 and a half hours, and I imagine with 5 it would take maybe 3 – 3 and a half (and that’s including character setup and things like that). It’s fairly variable and as you know this is good for drop in drop out play. and to answer jame’s question: I would HOPE to run it every week but we can get a feel for how people want it, could be every two weeks or whatnot. 

  2. Hi Joe, 

    That’s fine by me, (also I didn’t realize 7pm GMT is 3pm), if you can leave a comment in the roll20 topic so i can invite you to the campaign and if you can dibs your class from the ones available and maybe mention an entrance music so i can search for it on soundcloud.  drop in drop out is fine for me to be fair. sure you could even go part-timer class or something 😛 

  3. Joe Zantek Hey Joe, I see you’ve commented in the thread. I have sent all people in that thread an invite to the campaign on roll20, please let me know if you’ve accepted the invite/know how to accept the invite. never done this LFG thing before. But in terms of numbers better to have something more accurate. Cheers

  4. Hi Justin Hunt  if you can accept the invite please so I can get numbers accurate please. Currently only Joe has accepted the invite. some people on reddit have interest. so for a 5 man game we’re at 4 people but only one confirmed invite and 3 who’ve dibsed their character class

  5. I’ll go ahead and sign up, though I know I can’t play every week. Dibs on Athlete, Golden Boy, or Giant in that order. 

    Edit: Looks like the Athlete it is!

  6. Ron Frazier  ATHLETE IT IS, please post in the roll20 topic and i’ll invite you, it’s all down to who accepts invites and dibs. but currently you’d make for a full roster. though,  given invites timing. though if there’s enough for two sessions I could run two rival companies or something. please comment quick cheers

  7. TBH, I wouldn’t worry some much about restricting the size of first game.  Online weekly games are notorious for having a fluctuating attendance.  Since the first game is where the character relationships start from, the more the better.  

  8. Justin Hunt Ron Frazier Joe Zantek  The game has a lot of pending players and I know yourself Justin and Ron were mentioning not being available weekly, so I might run 2 games on Sunday and then divvy them up on a rotating basis? or something like that. idk. but yeah, also given your presence on the WWWRPG I assume you’ve got some experience with the rules or so, so I might split accordingly or so if I can. 

  9. Sean Walsh  I can if people want But I shall have to get the permission of all the players involved beforehand. 

    I agree though as I was looking for videos to see how to run the game, the journeyman’s cup one was quite good, and I would highly recommend Die Part Friday Night Fights video to be fair, but one thing I’ve found they don’t account for is the casual roleplayer who’s more used to d&d murderhobo style and less used to collaborative storytelling in a ring….. Also on the Die Party vids, without them I  Never would have thought of having emphasis on the backroom dealings stuff(where you’re in character but out of wrestler persona), and I think that can potentially add alot to it. 

  10. How do I go about creating my character and whatnot? Anything you need me to send you beforehand?

    (I need to leave right now, I’ll be back in 2 hours approx.)

  11. Then, David Ryan ,My character will be a Anti-Hero. Manik, dubbed the SWF Assassin, The Hunter, The Human Machinegun. 6’4″, 267 lbs. Finishing move : X-Bomb (Two-handed elevated Chokehold into Stunner). Entrance theme :  I am hated – Slipknot (Extreme Revolution Remix)

    Need more info? 🙂

  12. David Ryan I was going to offer though if you have like 8 or 9.  I could get the other group started today if that many were going, and then you can take it over.

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