Journeyman’s Cup Confirmation Thread

Journeyman’s Cup Confirmation Thread

Journeyman’s Cup Confirmation Thread

LIVE FROM THE INTERNET this Friday, 4/17, 7 pm Central (8 Eastern)

Please reply to confirm if you’re in: Rohit Ramnath Matthew Caulder Jason Cox Joseph Le May Stras Acimovic Adams Tower Peter Bothwick 

I know Joe Zantek is off at Philly Games Con. I think that’s everyone!

The kickoff time can move around if there’s a particular need, I have no other actual plans. Let me know.

As stated previously, we’re looking to wrap up Journeyman’s Cup with the episode or maybe one more, depending on how it goes. 

I am thinking of doing another season in this continuity, which will privilege new folks coming in while welcoming returning stars! I’m not sure when that will kick off but definitely not until after this arc wraps up. I’ll try to tag in people who have expressed interest when that spins up, but keep your eyes open for further announcements because I will certainly miss someone.

31 thoughts on “Journeyman’s Cup Confirmation Thread”

  1. Nathan, has Episode 7 been made into an audio-only file? I’m trying to catch up at work.

    Also, I’m interested in taking part in a WWWRPG game over the summer, time zones and summer courses permitting.

  2. Peter Bothwick, if we continue into another season I might play a manager to get Escorpion some heat. Atomo will need to take a break so he can kick it in an advanced role anyway.

  3. Maybe. Manager moves tend to focus on Real, which is not his bag. It does fit with his teaching persona, but he would be more likely to work with Bolt than anyone else. He also has a rivalry with Dr. Moreau that needs worked up.

    I was thinking about a new character because 1) I have always been curious about how managers work, but have not played one and 2) as much as I love the Prof, I would not mind taking someone else out for a spin now and again.

  4. I am really sorry for the lateness of this comment but my girlfriend’s family is visiting and we will be at dinner with them this evening. I won’t be able to make it. Sorry

  5. Wait, random thought just occurred to me.  Escorpion is out to stop the Bones and the Graveyard faction.  He also injured Brainburg.  Brainburg is a Bones.

    Did I unintentionally Break Kayfabe by revealing to the world that Brainburg was a Bones when Escorpion viciously botched?

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