Hey Guys!!! So here’s our Session From Today with Alex Blais James Reuben Justin Hunt and Ron Frazier
NOTE: Never trust Reddit’s LFG. Supposed to have 10 people. But it all worked out, somewhat.
As such, will looking for some more drop in dropout players for next week Sunday 7pm GMT (3pm EST, 12pm PST). Anyone wanna be part-timer or various? I’m down to clown yo!
This isn’t a reddit problem, its an online play problem. No matter where you go to look for folks, only about 30% show up. Roll20 is particularly bad at this.
Not really sure why.
Arthur Perkins I think it’s the lack of reminder system
People had stuff planned this weekend and, from what I seen, this was decided rather quickly… now, that being said, people, if you don’t have the dedication, don’t sign-up.
it was mostly the issue of reddit LFG’er’s I believe. I had at least 3 who messaged me on reddit, accepted the campaign invite and didn’t do a thing with it, and I mean didn’t even lay claim to a character type or