

GMs! For your fist session of Night Witches, did you use the “Airfields On The Borderlands” scenario from the hand-outs, or just follow the char-gen process and the Engels Aerodrome duty station in the rulebook?

How’d it go? Wish you’d done it the other way?

Thanks! Our game starts tonight! 🙂

8 thoughts on “GMs!”

  1. With the two demos I run, I started as if it was a normal first session: character generation and Duty Station One: Engels Airdrome. It went very well both the times.

    My decision to start as if it was a normal first game session it’s because I have always been a bit clumsy with pre-generated scenarios, since the time of Dungeon & Dragons adventures; instead, I’m a lot more comfortable “connecting the dots” and creating an explosive situation from the hints the players give me during a normal first session.

  2. The main reason to use the advanced one-shot framework (whether you use the story hooks in the quick start or not) is to use a combat Duty Station and to give the PCs Advances and Marks, jump-starting the greater drama of a longer-running game. 

    The first Duty Station is great but it really starts everything slowly and may not get really interesting in the space of one session.

  3. I used the one-shot scenario that starts at the third Duty Station. I pitched Night Witches to my gaming group as something suitable for either a one-shot or ongoing play depending on what everyone thought of it, so I wanted to drop us straight into the midst of the war in case we didn’t make a campaign of it.

  4. Thanks all. I really like the atmosphere of the session-1 scenario, and i’d probably use it with a new group. But the group i’m running for tonight is a gregarious bunch, and I think a less structured approach will be more engaging for them. So I think i’ll go with that.

    I’m stealing the foul-mouthed supply sergeant, tho!

  5. John Willson, also note that in the handout material there are two scenarios and one of them is based on Duty Station One: Engels Airdrome. Therefore, you can just use it for your first demo/game. 😉

  6. Daniele Di Rubbo Thanks. Yep, whatever I do the first night, it’s just duty stations after that. 🙂 No problem, this doesn’t look hard to run.

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