Does it make sense to remove the add +1 to a stat advance and encourage the players to instead take (or create) a stat boosting move from a Gimmick sheet. This would to be the same mechanically while adding to the fiction of the game. Win – win, or am I missing something?
Does it make sense to remove the add +1 to a stat advance and encourage the players to instead take (or create) a…
Does it make sense to remove the add +1 to a stat advance and encourage the players to instead take (or create) a…
Actually I like this. It also limits the number of available stat boosts, IIRC.
Also, I’ve been thinking that maybe a hard limit of +1 per stat is a good thing, with the caveat that you can change your stats completely if you take a new Gimmick (keeping your Moves, but using the new Gimmick’s base stats).
I always thought there should be a limit of once per stat with the general advance.
I don’t think your stats should change when your gimmick.changes though. That sort of implies you can forget everything you know about working thus far.
Orrrr, it implies that stats are a part of your Gimmick/persona, which they could totally be. You’re an Athlete, known for physical power but green under the gills. After a season or two, you blossom into a Technician and become known for your skill and technique, taking the Icon Role. Later you “lose it” and go Provocateur, known for your scheming and blurring the line between Kayfabe and not.
Yea, but if you go from Golden Boy to Technician, you suddenly lose all Mic work ability you once had.
Stats not changing implies that while your role might change, you are personally growing and learning.
I feel like both are valid, workable approaches.
You’re not missing anything. I think it’s a valid option for people who like to envision their character as just straight “getting better” (and I see people take it, usually as a first thing when they get an advance to improve something they’ve been bitten by in the game so far). But yeah, if you want to, no big.
Thanks for your permission Nathan Paoletta
It’s really just a thinly veiled guise to get my players to give me more fodder to use against them in the On Deck menu
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