Anyone have any suggestions for good soundtracks for Night Witches?

Anyone have any suggestions for good soundtracks for Night Witches?

Anyone have any suggestions for good soundtracks for Night Witches?  I like to have something thematic on low in the background while we play.

7 thoughts on “Anyone have any suggestions for good soundtracks for Night Witches?”

  1. Thanks, Brandon!

    Vel, I do like the Red Army Choir but unfortunately my other game which we’re taking a break from is an Arthurian game which uses quite a lot of choral music (including Carmina Burana, natch) and I’d like to create as much aural “space” between the two as possible.

  2. Ah ok, mine was a bit of a joke since the Red Army Choir seemed so fitting. Anyway, given the overall theme of Night Witches, some classic metal (like Iron Maiden’s Powerslave album) could do the job. Not sure how it would work as a low background, but it may be worth a try.

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