I have some PbtA write-ups to do, one idea I’ve had for a while concerns the road warrior part of post-apocalyptic…

I have some PbtA write-ups to do, one idea I’ve had for a while concerns the road warrior part of post-apocalyptic…

I have some PbtA write-ups to do, one idea I’ve had for a while concerns the road warrior part of post-apocalyptic games, not just AW. A lot of them touches on the road warrior and their being, but not much. In a AW/PbtA-sense of fashion I imagine it a bit more elaborate than presented in the (1st ed) AW rules, but still as awesomely moldable and exciting. No easy task at all. But I’ve jotted down some stuff and will probably get up to speed as soon as I’ve watched the latest installment with Furiosa and the gang. Concept name of this hack is FUEL.