With the arrival of Adventures on Dungeon Planet, my Powered By Apocalypse collection grows to four!

With the arrival of Adventures on Dungeon Planet, my Powered By Apocalypse collection grows to four!

Originally shared by Kris Miller

With the arrival of Adventures on Dungeon Planet, my Powered By Apocalypse collection grows to four!

Mildly curious that it does not, in fact, include Apocalypse World. I also fully intend on grabbing Monsterhearts soon, and I own a PDF of tremulus that I need to get printed.

Dirk Detweiler Leichty Alexander Glenn David Morris 

27 thoughts on “With the arrival of Adventures on Dungeon Planet, my Powered By Apocalypse collection grows to four!”

  1. Oh I’m 100% going to get a physical copy of Monsterhearts. That was the second AW game that I played and I absolutely loved it. AW itself was actually hard for me to get into (which is mostly because it was my first time with that system and it’s so different for a normally crunchy player like me), but by the time I played Monsterhearts, I really got into it.

    But I’m allllll about Lovecraftian stuff, and I’m dying for a physical copy of tremulus.

  2. I’m in the negative camp along with Joseph Le May for tremulus. I backed at a high level for the KS and was pretty disappointed. So much so that I just sold off my hardback copy. 😛

    Also, Monsterhearts was the game where I “got” PbtA games as well. I’d had a few failed sessions of AW previously, but it all clicked with MH. 🙂

  3. Oh hey, you were the one who offered to sell it to me but I wasn’t able to cover the shipping. That was very kind of you and I appreciate the gesture. 😀 Can I ask for something a bit more concrete on why you didn’t like it? I mean I don’t want to force anything outta anyone, but it just seems like two things that I love (Lovecraft and PbA), so I don’t see why there’s the hate, but I’d love to hear opinions 😀

    I think that Apocalypse World is just such a SUPER different system, and when you dive into something as ephemeral as “some random apocalpyse” where there’s, like, psychic energy for some reason and it’s all very weird, on top of the brand new system, it’s just too much to swallow and it doesn’t grok right. But then Monsterhearts is your own world, but just with these crazy things added in. I think what it is is that it let me learn the system without having to learn a setting, whereas with Apocalypse World, not only was I lost in the system, I also had to be lost in the setting.

    NOW, that being said, I think I’d like to give Apocalypse World another try, now that I’ve gotten used to it! The only problem that I’m really having is I very VERY much love the Dungeon World system, and I’m not 100% positive that it’ll be an easy transition back to non-DW games.

    Anyway. I’m chatty today apparently. Been making lots of long posts 🙂

  4. Mostly because Tremulus wasn’t put together with community feedback, and it shows. A lot of stuff feels tacked-on and sloppy, and there’s nothing in it that points characters towards scarcity, horror, need, basically anything you would expect from the genre.

  5. Aww. I’m happy to hear a review but I’m also sad to hear it at the same time .. heh. Well, I mean, I can always stick to using Lovecraftian enemies in my Monster of the Week and Monsterhearts games, if it really comes down to it. Thanks for your honest thoughts, Joseph. 🙂

  6. Tremulus was the game I had been planning on running before my Monster of the Week campaign (recently wrapped). I had enough trouble finding a coherent throughline in the rules in terms of how a number of the pieces interacted that I scrapped those plans and hunted up MOTW instead. Glad I did (that eventually lead to Evil Hat publishing the new edition) but I remain disappointed that tremulus wasn’t the fine tuned horror engine I was expecting.

    Tastes may vary tho, I’ve seen plenty of fans who were probably able to look past the flaws. There are times where my “gear head” tendencies with RPG designs get in the way of my ability to enjoy flawed but entertaining games. I can’t tell if this is one. 

  7. Hmm. nodnod Okay, I see what you’re saying. It sounds like it could be fun, one of those things where a good group can make even a bad game fun. But then on the other hand, I already have other systems (like World of Darkness) that I love running Lovecraftian things in, so if it’s going to be a hassle, I may as well just do that. 🙂 And, again, I can always keep throwing Lovecraft stuff in my other PbA games. 😀

  8. Yup, that was me Kristopher Miller​. 😉

    I heartily agree with both Joseph Le May​ and Fred Hicks​ about tremulus. I’ve seen a number of people here on G+ sing its praises and obviously have a good time with it. But to me it read like it was written by someone who didn’t fully understand PbtA games.

    My biggest issue were several moves that explicitly stated “nothing happens” as a possible result, which goes against the spirit of PbtA games in my opinion. Too many of the playbook moves were just stat bumps, which are boring. Toss in inconsistent rules where the same elements have different names in different places, and other elements that are referenced but never fully explained, and the whole thing feels messy and unfinished.

    There are some good ideas there, but overall it was a serious disappointment as, like you, I enjoy Lovecraftian horror.

  9. Even though this wasn’t the point of this post, I think you guys have convinced me to just stick with the PDF of  tremulus and purchase the print copy of Monsterhearts much more quickly, rather than trying to get tremulus printed first.

    I’m okay with that 🙂

  10. Fred Hicks nailed my take away from Tremulus. Both in my feeling towards it and with myself in regard to it. As for your need of the original, I would say your just in time for the 2nd Ed of AW

  11. I liked the playsets from tremulus. The rest was kind of bland and not infrequently confusing or just plain nonfunctional. Hard to say which, sometimes.

  12. … and now that I have, oh hey, those alphabetic code selections are kinda like what Bully Pulpit was doing with Durance. Super neat way of going about making things different every time, from a common source.

  13. There’s some definite cross pollination from Fiasco (the cited influence) and Durance (which seems more directly similar in its colony generation). The nice part is that because they’re there to generate plot and backstory, you can pretty cleanly pull them out and use them as a starting point with some other (horror) system.

  14. Christopher Stone-Bush  Just put in my order and paid for my copy of Monsterhearts 😀 I got tipped nice at work so I got meself a present!

  15. Good collection and I dig the colored bookmarks 🙂

    (Every time I see the “adventures on dungeon planet” book cover, I die a little inside. The whole italian community supported a “kickstarter” translation and got scammed. )

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