9 thoughts on “Quick question.”

  1. You can handle it narratively like you mentioned, or the player can also Let it Out to learn things, and of course there’s always Investigate a Place of Power. There won’t be any one answer, but these are probably going to be your go-to’s. Hope that helps, if you need clarification, feel free to ask. 

  2. Two ways:

    1) Investigate a Place of Power: If the place is important to a Faction, then they can use a Faction move to investigate the place and reveal secrets.

    2) Let It Out: Players can choose “extend your senses” off the Let It Out list to learn more about their enivornment… at the risk of their internal darkness gaining strength. Knowledge is costly.

  3. No specific move in Urban Shadows for searching for clues. If you need to you can have them “Keep their Cool” or if they would like a little supernatural help (like by giving a debt) they could use “Let it Out”. Otherwise, if there is a clue that moves the story along then you could just give the clue to them.

  4. Yeah, I want to lift up what Derrick Kapchinsky said about “Hit the Streets.” Remember that Urban Shadows is about people, so someone knows more about a crime/event/whatever. It’s a matter of going to the people with the information you need!

  5. It’s hard, without a custom move (or being an aware) to be Sherlock Holmes in the game. You can’t so much just walk into a scene and investigate.

    You can, however, be the Continental Op and go and ask people hard questions until they tell you things and/or try to kill you.

    One of my players used to say, in our last campaign, “the answer to the question is always a person and the way to find the answer is always a person.”

    Seemed to work for us. 

    Edit: wow, holy cross posting.

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