11 thoughts on “One more: how did Daniel Bryan’s Yes! chant get started? Did it just happen of was there a storyline or what?”

  1. I had to look it up but he started doing it when he won the Heavyweight Championship in 2011 and it just caught on. It was ironic at first because he was still a “nerd” character so he would over-celebrate minor victories, and when he turned face it became more sincere.

    (This video claims this is where he started it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZevSrKZ4ECo )

  2. Yeah I guess there was some MMA fighter he saw doing it during a fight? Like he walked down to the ring saying (quietly) “Yes, yes, yes” and Daniel Bryan appropriated it and made it fit his character.

  3. I know that for a long time, he was doing NO NO NO, like when he was teamed up with Kane in an “odd couple” tag team, but I’m not sure if it started with NO NO NO and then transitioned to YES YES YES later, or if the YES YES YES came first, and NO NO NO was a play on that.

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