Hey Guys,
So, I’m looking to run a one-shot/potentially once a month-ish maybe series of Monsterhearts, starting this Saturday at 8pm GMT+1/WEST or otherwise known as 3pm Eastern Standard Time (for those more america centred), or 12 noon cali time. Over Roll20 and Google Hangouts (voice necessary, video optional)
Anyways yeah, looking for as many players as I can get my hands on. Treat it as a oneshot, treat it as a series, whichever, whatever.
Please leave a comment at topic in the link above to receive a campaign invite.
Cheers Guys!
Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell ’em all.
Despite the number of players shown to be in the campaign, it’s a distinct possibility that many may not be free to play Saturday, as such , do not let numbers put you off. Let them only serve as a means of maybe running your own game at some stage or so. Maybe your times might better suit them etc.