So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is better shared than hidden. I love Dungeon World, and have been fascinated with Sean’s hack here since he started the Kickstarter. So I finally got around to starting a PbP game.
It’s only been going for one week, and Play-by-Post moves pretty slow, but there’s a great crew playing with us and could be a fun read for anyone interested in how this might look in action. After the jump you can see the sub-forum, with the Game Thread and OOC stuff. It’s likely pretty difficult to mesh the two together, but reading through the Game Thread is still pretty conversational.
Thanks Sean Gomes for putting such an awesome game together, as we’re really enjoying playing it!
Oooooh dang, this is awesome! I will be following this with great interest! If you run into any snags or whatnot, please feel free to poke me. Otherwise I’ll be here quietly observing from behind these bushes. Er… Space bushes. >_>
Gotta say, amazing stuff so far. It’s so neat to watch a game unfold ‘in the wild’, so to speak. I check it every day.
That’s awesome to hear! You’ve made a fantastic game, and it’s fun to play. Give me a heads up too if I miss something.
Hey Kevin Tompos , would you mind if I talked about/ linked to your PbP in the next Uncharted Worlds update. I’d like to occasionally do a spotlight on games of UW.
Certainly, go for it!