5 thoughts on “Has anyone given any thought to using Monster of the week for a Witcher game?”

  1. point is (and I’m talking as one who never played the Witcher games nor read the Witcher books, so I may well be wrong), why would anyone play something other than a witcher?

  2. Why would anyone play something other than a chosen in Buffy rpg?

    Why would anyone play something other than a jedi in Star Wars?

    why would anyone play something other than a gray ward: n in Dragon age rpg?

    There are always another options. In the Witcher we have mages or bards. And dwarf or elfs has a interesting background and can’t be witchers

  3. Actually thinking about it more I think the playbooks as different types of witcher might be the best way to go. A party with various different classes would probably be better suited to dungeon world with a custom witcher playbook. But for a game which focused entirely on the witcher contract side of things I think motw is still the way to go 🙂

  4. It may work, the witcher has a lot of elements of monster of the week: geralt often investigate misteries, profit monster weakness and do a lot of things that MoTW hunters do. For me te best is to focus on the color and just re- skin the playbooks to fit i.e..: the expert may be a witcher, the monster remains the same, the spooky can be a mage, the mundane to me seams a lot a carachter like dandelion a bard or a merchant, the initiate may be a knight of the flaming rose, the chosen remains the same (i.e. Ciri) the wronged may be a kind of warrior, i don’t see very fitting in the setting the professional and some LE playbooks but with I may be wrong

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