5 thoughts on “Any word on getting a print version?”

  1. Books won’t be finished printing and delivered to my home here in Korea until the end of the month. Something like this:

    1)    Printing : 6/5 ~ 6/15

    2)    Binding : 6/16 ~ 6/26

    3)    Ex-Factory : 6/29 ~ 6/30

    Once I mail out all kickstarter backers their hard copies, we’ll be able to start selling remaining copies, so probably around the second week of July would be my guess – I should be able to get everything mailed out in a week or two to backers.

  2. A couple game stores will be getting copies as they were part of the kickstarter, though none in the U.S. I don’t think. I might send some copies to Indie Press Revolution, or contact some game stories directly to see if they’re interested. I haven’t had the best experience with IPR though, so we’ll see.

  3. Right now the plan is to sell remaining kickstarter books as we’ll have a couple hundred left over for sale. If we run out of those we’ll figure out whether to do another print run, or just put out a POD. In any case, I don’t think POD will be something happening any time soon, unless we run through our remaining books way faster than I think we will. I’m also 100% certain that POD won’t produce anything comparable in terms of quality at a similar price point, even as a softcover I imagine, but I’ll look into it a bit more so I know what all the options are.

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