Coming in without having played DW.

Coming in without having played DW.

Coming in without having played DW. Really like what I am reading, but would love to read a detailed play example to highlight how it all ‘hangs together’ – the comic at the front is very useful, but I am still a little apprehensive about how the game works in play. 

7 thoughts on “Coming in without having played DW.”

  1. I get that. I suppose I’m more confused by the mechanics. I get the lightweight nature, but id be interested to see what the moves and application of conditions look like in play.

  2. The moves are lose rules used to define success or failure and what happens after. The player decides the effects by stating them in their action like “I try and disarm him” then the applied condition on his target could be he lost use of his knife (lose an advantage ) so until he recovers it, he has the condition “lost knife”. Not sure if that provides any help for you. It’s all a discussion with outcome resolutions being the only hard rules.

  3. Thanks for the vid link and feedback guys. I think I’m having trouble articulating my confusion – I’m sure once I’ve played it a few times, it will work out. Best, MC

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