Monster of the Week editor Steve Hickey has just released Soth.
If you feel like playing the bad guys, this is about small town cultists trying to summon their evil god. Great fun!
Originally shared by Steve Hickey
Soth, my game about small-town cultists trying to summon a dark god, is now available. Until Monday, you can get it for $6 from
If you’re interested in noirs told from the villain’s perspective, and what happens in Call of Cthulhu after you go insane, then I’ve written this game for you.
I wanted to create a game with the tension of a noir or thriller: stories like Breaking Bad or Psycho, where we follow someone trying to deceive and murder their way out of trouble. So, Soth uses a diceless process to evaluate how suspicious the cultists are being. The GM then spends that Suspicion to put the cultists under pressure. That creates a ‘cat-and-mouse’ dynamic between the players and the GM, with the role of ‘cat’ switching all the time.
It’s a cousin of Apocalypse World.
Duration: 1-3 sessions
Players: 3-7
Here are some things people have said about it:
“_Soth_ is hilarious, murderous fun. I’m excited to play it again!”
Michael Sands, author of Monster of the Week
“A fun and creepy game that rewards clever play and smart problem-solving.”
Simon Carryer, On Mighty Thews, Nod
“The guy who wrote the book on GMing My Life with Master delivers a Fiasco-esque tale of Lovecraftian cult life in Middle America.”
J. Walton, Geiger Counter, Restless, Planarch Codex
I wrote Soth for the 2013 #GameChef . It’s been through a lot of playtesting and editing since then. To celebrate the start of this year’s contest (and to say thanks to all past, present and future organisers, designers and reviewers), I’ve given it this $6 launch price.
Ok, you have my attention!
Hmm…not normally one for running ‘evil PC’ games but this does sound interesting, so what the hell…sold.